
Kezemen a heg, asovány férfi kardjának nyoma.

Mellkasomon barbárpenge-buzogánya hagyott heget.

Vállamat az erdészfejszéje jelölte meg.

és a reszelőssuttogást, ami a hangomból maradt Lord Singer féltékenységének köszönhetem.

Elvették ahangomat, az életemet, és odavetettek a varjaknak.

De nem mindenhalott nyugszik békében.


Kiadó: Delta Vision
Megjelent:augusztus 24.
Ára: 1990 Ft.-


Részleletetegyenlőre nem adott közre a kiadó, ám ha valaki nagyon kíváncsi rá, angolnyelven elérhető itt két rész:

Prelude + Chapter 1(PDF, 429 KB)

„Wayfarer”(PDF, 151 KB)


A szerepjárékosokkedvéért pedig egy részlet következik a szerző blogjából, amelyben a statisztikáitolvashatjuk D&D rendszerben. Így ha netán nem tetszene a könyv, legalább ajátékban kap egy esélyt az olvasó…


Erik Scott de Bie
Male lesser tiefling Bard 7 / Disciple of Baalzebul 3: CR 10; Medium-sizehumanoid (planetouched); HD 7+7d6+3d6+10; hp 57; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22 (touch 14,flat-footed 19); Atk +14 melee (1d6+3 +1d6 acid /18–20, +2 corroded rapier);SQ: Tiefling traits, Bardic Song, spell-like abilities, sneak attack +1d6; ALNE; SV Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +10; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha18. Height 6 ft.6.6 in. Skills and Feats: Balance (5) +8, Bluff (13) +25 (heh — read it and weep,baby), Climb 4 (+5), Concentration (10) +11, Diplomacy (10) +16, Heal 4, Hide(6) +11, Knowledge (literature) (5) +7, Knowledge (Philosophy) (5) +7,Knowledge (Religion) (5) +7, Move Silently (8) +11, Perform (prose) (10) +15,Profession (Writer) 10, Search (9) +11, Sense Motive (8) +10, Sleight of Hand(8) +11, Spellcraft (5) +7, Spot (8) +10, Use (magic) Device (10) +14, Use Rope(5) +8; Disciple of Darkness, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Perform),Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative Special Qualities: Lesser Tiefling Traits (Ex): +2 Bluff and Hide,Cold/Electricity/Fire Resistance 5, darkvision 60 ft. Class Features: Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge (+7), Countersong, Fascinate,Inspire Courage +1, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Tongue of the Devil, SneakAttack +1d6 Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—Suggestion (DC 19), Darkness. Erik Scott de Bieuses these abilities as a caster of his character level. Spells Per Day: 3/4/3/1; base DC 14 + spell level Spells Known (6/4/4/2): 0th – Daze, Know Direction (I think it’s this way),Light (maglite, baby), Mage Hand (the Force is. . . strong. . . with. . .gah!), Message (It’s Erik the solicitor! Hello!), Summon Instrument (now wheredid that. . . heh); 1st – Charm Person (eh. How you doin’?), ExpeditiousRetreat (long legs!), Sleep (but I haven’t cast my spell yet), UndetectableAlignment (you only thought you knew me); 2nd – Eagle’s Splendor (Ding! I didmy hair this morning), Heroism (I shall save you! Jim – go save yon maiden),Invisibility (pay no attention to the gangly man in the corner), Tongues(hamina habbida hoobida hoo); 3rd – Crushing Despair (depressed? Don’t talk tome about *depressed*), See Invisibility (the sudden, climactic reveal!) Possessions: +2 corroded rapier, fencing glove of inordinate size, hair gel ofcharisma +2 (included above), +4 chain shirt of the NDA, titanium ring ofprotection +1, pen of dexterous scrawls (+2 to Dex, included above), claspingchronometer of the armitron (with alarm and stopwatch), battered Nokia ofsending, dice of many shapes, 3 snazzy / trendy outfits, 6 Clif bars, ID badgeof opening, Vince (demonic automobile), Compaq Laptop. . . of doom!

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